NXTLVL Parking
2023-07-14 14:01
Project title: NXTLVL Parking Programme: INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2021-2027 Priority: PO2 - (viii) Promoting sustainable multimodal urban mobility, as part of transition to a net zero carbon economy
2023-07-14 14:01
Project title: NXTLVL Parking Programme: INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2021-2027 Priority: PO2 - (viii) Promoting sustainable multimodal urban mobility, as part of transition to a net zero carbon economy
2017-11-15 09:33
Kolín Smart Keychain is a unique project not only in the Czech Republic but also in Central Europe. Kolín is a leading Czech city that deliberately and successfully implements modern technology into its own urban ecosystem. That is why the pupils of the 6th Elementary School of Kolín will be the…
2017-11-14 16:41
Pupils of the 6th Elementary School in Kolín have something to celebrate with the start of the school year. The „Kolín Smart Keychain“ project has been fully launched.
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