: The Smarter Together project
In cooperation with Munich and Lyon, Vienna received funds for the project „Smarter Together“. „Smarter Together“ is a modern, smart project for the development of Simmering- Geiselberg-Enkplatz area. The European Commission has approved funding to support it, which will give Vienna more than seven million euros for this project.
Vienna, together with the partner cities of Munich and Lyon, has developed a future urban space solution. „Smarter Together“ is a demonstration project that makes the city an innovative one. Thanks to the projects taking place in the Simmering Nordwest in Vienna, 6 million kWh and 550 tonnes of CO2 will be saved each year on energy. This will ensure that 900 jobs will be created in part. Savings on heating will be up to 400 euros per year for dwellings in renovated apartments. „Smarter Together“ is a smart, exceptional project for quality housing in Simmering and Vienna in general.
For this ambitious and future-important project supported by the European Union, the City of Vienna chose the territory of Vienna‘s Simmering Nordwest, which lies between Sonnwendviertel in the northwest and Gasometer in the northeast.
In order to succeed, the project is managed by a department for the construction of residential complexes in cooperation with several municipal departments, TINA Vienna, Wiener Stadtwerke, Wien Energie, Siemens, Kelag, Wiener Linien, Österreichische Post AG, Austrian Institute of Technology, Neue Urbane Mobilität Wien and Sycube.
In total, investment in the transformation of the Simmering area, where 21,000 Viennese people live, will cost around 46 million euros. More than 7 million euros come from the EU. About 1 300 inhabitants living in apartments that will be
upgraded according to state-of-the-art technologies will get a better quality of life and get signifi cant savings for heating. Even for the Viennese economy, this demonstration project is an important impetus: it will provide 900 new jobs and some
new places will be built. It is also important to mention that the whole project will be implemented with the participation of district residents.
During the preparation of the tender dossier for the EU, the entire project team, led by its coordinator, BojanSchnable and other highly committed partners, had to devise solutions that would be in the EU‘s best interests and achieve the best
possible result.
The most important are the smart redevelopment of three apartment buildings: BWSG on Haff gasse 37-47 (485 dwellings), two municipal houses on Lorystraße 54-60 (95 apartments) and Herbortgasse 43 (52 dwellings). The renovation will consist of thermo-energy measures, installation of photovoltaics, solar panels, new lighting and deployment of electro bikes including charging stations. In total, the renovation will
cover an area of 75,000 m2. 6 million kWh will be saved annually. This savings corresponds to energy consumption in 700 households. 6 million kWh would also be enough to make 1,500 journeys around the world. Besides the NMS Enkplatz
School will be rebuilt and will have a modern gym with zero energy performance. It will be used for school workshops as well as for various clubs.
: WAALTeR project
Social integration, safety, health and mobility for the elderly who are interested in living the longest possible life they can decide for themselves in their home environment: these are the core points of the WAALTeR - Wiener AAL TestRegion project. AAL (active & assisted living) means intelligent use of technology in everyday life
by older people.
WAALTeR addresses demographic challenges, healthcare measures, and digitization of everyday life. For older people to live a lifethey can decide for themselves, in a place where they are used, WAALTeR develops special packages of services tailored to users and based on current Vienna concepts and results of (inter) national
AAL projects.
In terms of empowerment and participation, users are off ered services of social integration, safety, health and mobility. This strengthens the ability and motivation to lead an active life. Support for individual activity is also enhanced by personal safety and health and social integration, social participation and decision-making on
WAALTeR focuses on people living in diverse forms of urban living, helping them actively live and ensuring their social enjoyment. In the 83 Viennese households belonging to the pilot project, various technologies, including their accompanying
services, are used. An example is the use of a tablet with diff erent applications to lead to greater and lighter communication as well as to a greater degree of social activities,
both individual and common. Households are also testing mobile devices to help call for help, sensors that monitor falls and help prevent them. In addition, households have access to health and telemedicine information to enhance safety and
health in everyday life. Throughout the project, it evaluates how technology and services off er help to people living in 83 dwellings and other 35 control households of the pilot project and how their quality of life is enhanced. Project results should in the future aff ect care services. The project was launched in December 2016. The project will be completed in November 2019.
WAALTeR is a project under the „Information and Communication Technologies of the Future - Demographic Change as an Opportunity“, supported by the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and set up at the instigation of the City of Vienna, the headquarters of the Organization and Safety Section. The Smart City Wien agency under TINA Vienna GmbH is the leading force of the project along with 11 other partners: the Austian Institute of Technology; WirtschaftspsychologischeUnternehmensberatung GmbH; TU Wien; Wiener SozialdiensteAlten- und Pfl egedienste GmbH; JohanniterÖsterreichAusbildung
und Forschunggemeinnützige GmbH; FondsSoziales Wien; Microtronics Engineering GmbH; Dr. Bernard Rupp; CogVis Software & Consulting GmbH; ILOGS Mobile
Software GmbH und FragNebenan GmbH.
: DigitalCity.Wieniniciative
In September 2014, the „DigitalCity.Wien Initiative“ for the private sector and the city of Vienna was offi cially established, setting the goal of anchoring Vienna as the leading digital hotspot of Europe, presenting Vienna both within the city and abroad.
The initiative originated as a result of an open discussion of possible solutions to the lack of expertise in IT in Vienna in 2013 and has developed to a much wider extent than originally anticipated.
The main outline of the initiative was launched at the launch event on 16 September 2014, attended by 2 000 candidates. It was then developed in the following month and extensive topics emerged, including a program containing specifi c projects to be implemented. In cooperation with the City of Vienna and its agencies, events of a diverse nature are organized on diverse themes. An example is DigitalDays. For more information, visit: https://digitalcity.wien
: Smart links
The latest list of Smart City Wien projects can be found here: https://smartcity.wien.gv.at/site/projekte
A brochure titled „Knowledge of Vienna“ (http://www.tinavienna.at/sites/default/files/1203_TINAVIENNA_Brosch%C3%BCre_deutsch_low_0.pdf) was published in 2011 together with a catalog of urban technologies incorporating all technologies and the city strategy of Vienna in the context of smart city, including the most important projects. The catalog thematically covers areas such as water, energy, resource and the environment protection up to mobility and waste management.