Observatory - Local Map Service

Krakow was the fi rst city in Poland to provide an interactive tool – the Observatory Service – the map portal, integrating a variety of spatial data in one place. The service allows anyone to check out a lot of information about Krakow without having to leave their home oroffi ce. The Observatory allows every user to receive complete information about the selected plot, for example: number, shape, surface area, development, surroundings, ownership, architectural decisions issued in the neighbourhood and transaction prices of residential units. The tool is especially useful for architects, construction specialists, land surveyors, investors, urban planners and people who are looking for a real estate property for their planned investments, such as building a house or a multi-family facility. The city is constantly expanding the portal
and presenting more and more information from its offi cial resources, while the available data is constantly being updated.

The portal presents the information in various datasets that make up map compositions. There are many layers available in the service: architectural permits and decisions, environmental decisions related to tree felling and planting, spatial planning, strategic investments, land and building accounting, roads, nature conservation,
the ownership structure, price register - transactions on premises, land development and communication.

One of the functions of the Observatory is the possibility for residents to pass comment on the planting of greenery in the city; such interactive polls can be used in consultations that cover virtually every topic. On the website, you can see data describing not only the current state of urban space, but also historical data and future changes and directions of development. The portal address is: http://msip.um.krakow.pl/obserwatorium/

Krakow aspires to become a modern metropolis, off ering a high quality of life, conditions suited to an innovative economy, being a modern city managed by the use of ICT technology, taking into account the voice of Krakow residents and their participation in public life. Such vision of development is successfully realized in Krakow.

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